

Persons wishing to actively participate in the 2nd Congress of Polish Statistics, by presenting a paper on their own subject at selected thematic sessions, are invited to prepare an abstract by May 13, 2018.



The Scientific Committee of the 2nd Congress of Polish Statistics shall select the speakers. Authors of the accepted abstracts will be notified by electronic means, accompanied by detailed  guidelines on their presentations.

Guidelines for preparing an abstract

An abstract shall include: title of a paper, information on  the language in which the paper will be presented and indication to which of the10 thematic sessions of Congress the paper refers:

  1. Mathematical Statistics
  2. Survey Sampling and Small Area Estimation
  3. Population Statistics
  4. Social Statistics
  5. Economic Statistics
  6. Regional Statistics
  7. Data Analysis and Classification
  8. Statistical Data
  9. Polish Statistics on the International Scene and the 25th Anniversary of the Statistics in Transition new series
  10.  History of Polish Statistics

The abstract  should be submitted in English, using Arial 10 point font size, and should not exceed one A4-size page, for each language version accordingly.

The abstract should reflect the maximum informative value of the article/paper, using the smallest number of words, and take into account the purpose of the presented analysis or topic, materials and methods used for research, achieved research results and their implications or notions for discussion.

The  abstract should highlight innovativeness introduced in a given research area.

It is advisable to use specific keywords which are present in an article or in an elaboration.

Detailed information about the thematic sessions is available here.

The organisers plan speeches during: 

  • Traditional sessions 
  • Speed-talk sessions 
  • Poster sessions

Questions concerning abstracts should be sent to Kongres_2018@stat.gov.pl.

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